Wildlachs 2560

«Salmon Facts»

  • Welche Zubereitungsmethoden empfehlt ihr für Lachs?

    Lachs kann auf vielfältige Weise zubereitet werden, darunter Grillen, Braten, Backen oder sogar Rohverzehr als Sushi. Wir empfehlen, den Lachs schonend zu garen, um seine natürliche Zartheit und den vollen Geschmack zu erhalten. Experimentiere mit verschiedenen Gewürzen, Saucen und Beilagen, um deine Lieblingszubereitung zu finden.

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  • Can I freeze the salmon if I don't want to use it right away?

    Yes, you can freeze the salmon, but we advise against it because it has already been frozen once. Upon thawing again, you will notice a loss of quality in the texture; it loses its tenderness.

  • What are the differences between wild salmon and farmed salmon?

    Wild salmon comes from natural waters and feeds on a variety of natural food sources, such as crustaceans (which give it its color), while farmed salmon is raised in controlled environments and receives special feed. Both types have their own unique characteristics and flavor profiles, but farmed salmon is often milder in taste and more tender in texture.

  • Why is salmon a healthy choice?

    Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, vitamins, and minerals, providing important nutrients for a healthy diet. Regular consumption of salmon can help promote heart health, improve brain function, and strengthen the immune system.